“Technologies of HER”


Current study about cyclical intelligence, matriarchy, androcentrism and Technology of HER.

Veni Vidi Venus is a 208++ pages strong visual research, a graphic novel, a humorous engagement with the figurines, matriarchal and feminists thesis, Venus of Willendorf and HER siSTARS figurines.

This work has been exhibited in the State Gallery of Lower Austria in Krems
see here

For purchase requests and more info please contact me here

108 from 180 drawings exhibited at State Gallery of Lower Austria / Krems 2022.
Krems is on the Donau not far from the finding site of Venus of Willendorf


An art and knowledge transfer project about plastic bags, mass consumerism and the tragic of the plastification.

Check out my “I bäg you!” 10 year Celebration blog!!!

“Goddess in Practice” a project as part of The Dissident Goddesses Network, a research network at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 2018-2021

Her in Practice an art and knowledge transfer project.


In the year 2022 this book celebrates 10 years!!!!

Due to my interest in mass consumerism, mass behaviour, plastic, plastic bags, trash and its developments I was intrigued to map the field of this global phenomenas. Based on “ID(E)A” I was invited to deepen my work on plastic bags and so I accepted the invitation to write a Ph.D. thesis on the phenomenology of the plastic bags and our global mass consumerism.

From 2007-2010 I have written my Ph.D. in the field of Art and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. I finished with distinction and got the opportunity to publish my work at Spring- erWienNewYork Verlag. And in 2011 this work got published in German (300 pages) with the pub- lishing grant by Dr.Gerald Bast, titled “Alltagsobjekt Plastiktüte” at SpringerWienNewYork Verlag and edition angewandte.

This book was distributed to all major art, culture and museum book stores in the German speaking countries.



The Artist Is Resident is the result of my 3 week Artist in Residency in Kunsthalle Arlberg in St. Christoph Austria. Between fiction, dream and reality, the division reflects the three “residence” phases: Lost in Location, Dream and Isolation and Found In Camouflage. This book is a story of searching and finding in picture, drawing, collage and text. All the work are created locally.

“The seclusion, the sense of isolation, the snow covered location surrounded by mountains, the “System Hotel” functioning in its closed circuit manner, all this transported me into a state of “intoxication” and my stay there was transformed into a productive process of “coming to terms” with the loneliness. Imprisoned in my own fantasy, my thoughts, and stimulated by a fevered sense of “wanting to experience”, the foreignness, the search for familiarity and the ultimately inescapable sense of “belonging” were the decisive factors in the creation of this book-and-picture project.
